Creative Purpose Journeying for Men
To stand As Earth, for Earth.
What is Creative Journeying?
Creative journeying is not a process of coaching like you would receive as with a life or a personal growth coach. It is instead a hit of life force, where we work as a creative team over a period of weeks to condense and electrify who you are as a soul and what you stand for in this time of planetary shift.
I work creatively with clients in moon cycles, using the creative energies that present themselves during this time to build a container for your work and soul purpose that is potent and cyclical, helping bring you and your creativity into coherence with what life is asking of you in this year of initiation.
Those who journey with me commit to one full creative moon cycle in which we build the inner foundations for living and creating projects from a place of soul, in service to life and a new civilisation on earth.
Unlocking your creative genius/breaking out of old masculine identities
The focus of our work together will be on unlocking the core of your creative spark and helping you break out of old identites and structures of masculinity to come more deeply into your life-force in service to the earth and to civilisational shift at this time of planetary crisis.
The journeying has particularly been created to help those in male bodies shift out of personality based work and into soul work.
If the following offer interests you or if you think someone you know could benefit this journey, please do pass this on.
Creative Journeying supported by integration
The offering will be spilt into two parts. The first part is the 'creative component' where the focus will be on unlocking your creative genius and the second the 'integration component', which will focus on allowing you to bring your soul work with integrity and successfully to the world.
Part 1 - Creative Journeying
This part is not a coaching session or an invitation to personal development. Instead it is an opportunity to work as a creative team. Together we will listen deeply for the core notes of your soul expression, with a focus on responding to what 'is alive' and tingling in the matter of your body and is longing to be birthed through you.
We will work together to more fully understand what it is you want to stand for, distil the creative container for your soul work emerge.
It is my longing that every man on this planet right now begins to answer to the creative pulse of life at his core and I am devoted to helping those men who are willing to stand fully for what they long to create at this time.
I have a core longing to be part of this journey with men, to go into the heart together with them and be a guide for the preciousness of their soul and what is wants to create.
Working in moon cycles
We will work cyclically in moon cycles. Working within this cycle allows us to align together with the rhythms of nature and therefore tap more deeply into the core creative nature of yourself.
The power of the moon has long been understood to hold creative potency and helps to condense and define creative projects outside of something that is in kronos or solar time.
How this will look practically
We will have 5 creative calls throughout the duration of the cycle.
New moon call - intention setting for cycle and creative oracling together of what wants to be created in this cycle.
1/2 moon call - creative feedback and creative mentorship session
Full moon call - full moon creative ritual and refinement.
1/2 moon call - reflecting on the the first 3 weeks of the cycle and understanding what it is needed to be manifested in the remainder of the cycle.
New Moon call - harvest of the previous cycle and intention setting for the next cycle.
Part 2 - Integration
The current civilisation that is crumbling is designed to lock men away from their bodies, the innocence of their erotic nature and the joy of their creative expression, thus perpetuating a culture in which the expression of soul is not wilfully permitted.
The journey of a soul in male body out of old cultural patterns into living connected to life and their core is a unique and particular one and thus the journey is a particularly nuanced one.
The purpose of the integration part of the journeying is to empower those I work with to step more fully into their authentic expression and align to a way of living that serves life, the earth and the creation of a new way of living from soul.
The integration piece will focus on —
Breaking apart, decoding and shifting old stories and myths of masculinity
Embodiment and reconnection to sexual life-force and the one life in the place of identity.
Working with personal trauma and the core wounds of the soul that prevent us from answering to life and become disconnected from it.
Focus on sex, money and power.
Using archetypes to embody new energies that support integration.
Shadow work.
Using ritual and ceremony to break open old identies and bring greater connection to your life and purpose.
Breaking through creative blocks.
Learning how to become purpose instead of having a purpose. So often we see purpose as something that is external to ourselve where as actually purpose is innate within our cells, and once it becomes embodied, then flow begins. (This has been one of my greatest challenges, of not becoming obsessed by something I love but actually allowing it to flow through me)
Journeying through the core of the heart, through heart break to break open to life.
Learning to listen and answer to life, the feminine principle of life what is coming through you and the tingles of your body.
These will be bi weekly, around the new and the full moon.
Why have I designed this offering in this way?
I have designed this offering in this particular way as I feel both creative support and integration are needed for those in male bodies feeling the pulse to step more deeply into soul work. This offering is intended to inspire, create impulse, flow and structure for your work and build a strong internal foundation for you to take your work into the world.
How I work?
I don't work as 'a coach', where I am in a role of the teacher. I work more from a place of being an ally, a champion of the life that wants to flow through you, a brother who will meet you in the heart and together find the courage and the willingness to shed light on everything that isn't serving you and your soul's work on this earth.
Again, if this offering sounds like something you or a fellow friend in a male-body please do pass this on. I only have space to take on four men, so please write to me if this has sparked you.
I work in cycles, so if you choose to work with me I ask you to commit to one full moon cycle, then we will have a check in to see whether it is right that we continue working together.
My experience
The last decade of my life has been focused on creating from soul, with a focus on environment, earth and the radical evolution of humanity that is underway on the planet. I am a published and multi award winning writer, poet, creative and activist, producing creative projects from a place in alignment with the life-principle.
I have worked with, held and run men's workshops and circles for the last three years and had a focus on what it takes to birth a new collective maleness in service to the earth and life for the last seven years.
I am the co-founder of the Brotherhood Mystery School and Angsbacka Men's Gathering.
Between £80 and £200 a week, depending on income and impact
Working with the new economy, I desire the cost of working with me to dependant upon your current financial status and how much you feel the sessions are of value to you.
Get in touch with me on or whatsapp me on +44 7891 221 574