Incantations for Earth

This is poetry as initiation, as Orphic oracle and rigorous truth telling. These poems draw our elemental selves out onto burning fields, and miraculously heal us.’ Pascale Petit
— Pascale Petit


These poems entered through pores in my skin, seeding behind flesh & within bone. They are incantations for a living Earth, brimming with the alchemy of healing.’
— Alexa Sloane

About Incantations For Earth

Around each New Moon I will be holding a poetry reading of my work in combination with an earth ritual.

Each space will be as much as as a living prayer for Earth and for our bodies relationship with earth as it will be a reading. It is an invitation to sense, to feel, to relate, to breathe.

I will read from my body of work that has spanned the last ten years and moves with the territory of earth, the body, the bodies relationship with our environment and our current cultures relationship with earth, crisis and emergence.

I have always been fascinated by earth and our relationship as humans with earth, as Earth and what it means to be alive at this very particular point of time.

My poetry is often described as eco-spiritual, as felt, visceral and moving. I write from the body to the body, with a direct intention of allowing a reader or a listener through image into a sensoral relationship with the world and what it means to be human at this moment in time.

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‘I haven’t come across anything like this – the astounding poems in Dom Bury’s Rite of Passage writhe with raw visionary life, as if made of bone and fire. They terrify and hypnotise. They are chants of survival, incantations to bear us safely through climate upheaval and crisis. They draw our elemental selves out onto burning fields, and miraculously heal us. This is poetry as initiation, as Orphic oracle and rigorous truth telling.’
— Pascale Petit
Rite of Passage is a rite for our times, our earth, a series of quiet, sometimes mysterious, prayer-like unflinching poems that are a call for trust, collective love and to understanding ‘what it means to be human’.
— Anne-Marie Fyfe
‘An astonishing debut. The environment has never felt so urgent; the world, through Bury’s writing, has never felt so close at hand. Mythical and raw – a terrific book.’
— Niall Campbell


Dom Bury’s first collection was Rite of Passage, published in 2020 and won a number of awards and prizes. It was long listed for the Laurel Prize, it won The National Poetry Competition UK, The Magma Poetry Prize, and won 2nd Prize in The 2017 Resurgence Ecopoetry Competition. It also won an Eric Gregory Award and I received a Jerwood/Arvon Fellowship for my work.

His work has been published in a number of major literary journals and anthologies, such as Poetry Review, Poetry London, Poetry Ireland, Poetry Wales, Best British Poetry, Staying Human: new poems for Staying Alive (Bloodaxe Books, 2020), 100 Poems to Save The World (Seren 2021).

His work in collaboration with film-maker Helmie Stil won a number of prizes for film including: Aphrodite Film Award, Cadence Film Award, London International Motion Picture Awards, Reel Poetry Awards, Prisma, Outspoken.


Please sign up for ‘Incantations for Earth’ below. The series is by donation and you are welcome to pay what you feel is right for you. I hope to see you soon.